Saturday 30 January 2016

AIRLIFT- more than just a movie

Some movies are slightly more than just that, and AIRLIFT is one such. It is based on the evacuation operation of trapped Indians from Kuwait when Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain had invaded in 1990, and which earned Indian Government a place in Guinness Book of records. This event is of utmost historical importance, which very few of us had known before watching AIRLIFT. It epitomises the showcasing of responsibility by a government towards its citizens. 170000 Indians were Airlifted by the Indian Government using 488 aircrafts in 59 days. Humungous...Incredible...Unbelievable...isn't it? And guess what, our Government has repeated history in Yemen, through the astounding "OPERATION RAAHAT". Salute to all the men, who risk their lives to save humanity in such risky operations, we are nothing without your precious support. Kudos to the Government, whom we mostly find faults with..but reality at times can be rosier than imagination and heartiest wishes to the AIRLIFT team, for imparting India with knowledge and a debouching feeling of pride on the 67th Republic Day of the country. 

Coming to the movie, AIRLIFT directed by Raja Krishna Menon is the story of Ranjit Katiyal, played by Akshay Kumar and his wife Amrita, played by Nimrat Kaur, who are stuck in Kuwait with their little daughter Simu during the time, when Saddam had attacked. Ranjit is a ruthless businessman and calls himself a Kuwaiti. He is happy with his life amidst the patriarchy of Kuwait. He is rich, successful and influential. But one night his and many other lives fall apart like pack of cards. Iraqi soldiers transform Kuwait to a land of violence and fear, just overnight. Saddam's troops slaughter Kuwaitis without any second thoughts. And Katiyal and many others are saved from their bullets only on the grounds of their Indian Origins. AIRLIFT is the story of Ranjit's rise to occasion, when he chooses to save all Indians instead of just his family. His rise above the petty selfish goals and emerge victorious. 

The movie's high point is most definitely Akshay Kumar. The khiladi of bollywood has successfully shredded his larger than life image and gracefully depicted a real hero, who has his share of desperation, fears and failures. The film however does no justice to Nimrat Kaur's creative genius. Her character fail to depict a woman stuck up in a war zone and has very meagre to deliver. The rest of the cast and crew deliver very natural performances. However the depiction of the AIRLIFT operation is not given as much limelight as was expected from the title. Nevertheless the movie is definitely a must watch as it has successfully depicted a story which deserves attention and a salute too.

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

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