Thursday 31 March 2016


এখন বসন্তকাল। তবে মুম্বাই শহরে তার ছোয়া মেলা ভার, আসলে ভারতবর্ষের বেশির ভাগ প্রান্তেই শীত, গ্রীষ্ম  আর বর্ষা ছাড়া আর কোনো ঋতুরই স্পর্শ পাওয়া যায় না। মন খারাপ করে। ইচ্ছে করে, কবির ভাষায় যে ভাবে ঋতুর বর্ণনা শুনেছি, সে ভাবেই উপলব্ধি করি। কিন্তু তা হবার না।  সকাল বেলা যখন অফিস এর কম্পাউন্ড এর মধ্যে হ্নাটি, তখন রাস্তায়  পরে থাকা রাধাচূড়া ফুলের রাশি মনে করিয়ে দেয় "আজি'বসন্ত". 

তেমনি এক সকাল, বিমর্ষ মন, উদ্ভ্রান্তের মত চলেছি অফিস এর দিকে। কাজে মন লাগছে না কদিন ধরে। কেবলি মনে হচ্ছে , দূরে  কোথাও চলে যাই।শরীর না,মনে ক্লান্তি।এমন ক্লান্তি ,যা প্রকাশ করাও ভার,বোঝাও ভার। হঠাতই হাটতে হাটতে সেই রোজকার দেখা হলুদ রাধাচূড়ার রাশি আমার দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করলো,মনে মনে রচনা করলাম একটি কবিতা, মানে ছড়া বলাই বোধহয় ভালো,আর' বলা ভাহুললো, যে মনের মধ্যের এই রচনা মনটাকেই অনেক প্রফুল্ল করে দিল। বাংলা কবিতা লিখিনি  কখনো সেঅর্থে,কে জানে কেমন হযেছে। ......

বিষন্ন এই মনে, প্রানের সঞ্চার কর 
সুদীর্ঘ এই গ্রীষ্মকালে মধুর বর্ষণ ঝরো 
শুস্ক, ক্লান্ত, অবিশ্রান্ত 
আজি হৃদয় বড় উদ্ভ্রান্ত
ফুঁটে উঠুক ফুলের রাশি 
হৃদ মাঝরে ফিরে আসুক আজি বসন্ত। 

মনটি আমার যাযাবর 
কিন্তু দেহটি পরেছে আটকা 
সময় পেলেই স্বপ্ন দেখে 
কত টাটকা টাটকা 
সত্যি না , সেই স্বপ্ন রাজ্যে এখন ঋতু অনবদ্ধ 
হৃদ মাঝরে ফিরে আসুক আজি বসন্ত। 

স্রোত নেমেছে মানুষের 

রাস্তা জোড়া ভিড় 
নিঃশ্বাস  মোর আবদ্ধ প্রায় 
কোথায় মিষ্টি নীড় ?
সেই ভিড়েতেই মন যে খোঁজে প্রানের সান্নিদ্ধ   
হৃদ মাঝরে ফিরে আসুক আজি বসন্ত। 

সুন্দর এই ধরিত্রীর কত রূপের বাহার 

কোথাও বা শস্য শ্যামলা কোথাও ধুম্র পাহাড় 
মনের আঁখি খুলি যখন দেখতে তখন পাই 
প্রকৃতিটি শ্যামের মত আমিই তো তার রাই 
চারিদিকেই ঝরছে যে প্রেম, আকুল, অক্লান্ত 
হৃদ মাঝরে আসন পাতুক চির বসন্ত। 

আরিত্রা চক্রবর্তী সেনগুপ্ত 
pic courtesy google images

A farewell poem

1. As you step into a new life
Classes, Parties and future bright
Let the time you spent with us
Be etched in your memory in debonair delight

Simulation, convergence and a complex dough
Situations grave and at times light
But the steaming cup of coffee and its delectable respite
Be etched in your memory in debonair delight

And here‘s heartfelt wishes coming your way
Let the effervescent smile stay with you tight
And as you soar high in the sky of success, let this day
Be etched in your memory in debonair delight

2. Life is a running train, we board and vacate,
There is never a good bye, never an adieu,
There are only new beginnings,
As fresh as the morning dew.

So as you move forward to an undertaking new,
Meeting new people and fresh challenges thrown your way,
We wish you divine success in all realms of life,
Let joy and gaiety with you forever stay.

You have been a great friend and guide to us,
Thanks is a small word to put across,
All we can say is, you will be remembered with a smile,
As you endorse your new journey of gratification and gloss.

pic courtesy google images

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

Sunday 27 March 2016

The Million dollar crimson

Waves moved upto the shore
The water silvery
Boulders taking each blow with a smile
Cheers to their bravery

Birds were flying to their nests of love
The sky a regal crimson
Scattered clouds had a dash of colour
The mellowed sun, a dot of delectable vermilion

The breeze, suave and silky
Vanishing in my hair
And Air with the tangy taste of salt in it
Had about it, a royal flair

I sat by the Arabian Sea
Beholding nature's game of love
The queenly sun rays kissed the waves
Slyly the waters looked above

Tick Tick Tick the minutes passed
The sky like a Paula donna changed her gown
From hues of yellow, to crimson to red
It was then time, to put down the crown

And then at the countdown of ten to one
She had disappeared to vast unknown
But with a promise of a bright tomorrow
With more of smiles and less of groans

Nature has endless immenseness to offer
It is on us and our perception
Whether it makes us gloomy or gifts hope of perseverance
My million dollar crimson

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

pic taken by me

pic taken by hubby Avishek Sengupta

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Lost Colours of Holi

Basanta Utsab

In Bengal we celebrate the festival of vibrancy, most of the times, a day before the entire country plunges to colouring themselves in serene joy. We call it “Dol”. Infact, we take the privilege of celebrating two days of mirth, instead of just one. And whenever we mention Bengal, one name cannot be kept aside and that is none other than the epitome of literary genius “Rabindranath Tagore”. In Vishwabharati Shantiniketan, the university founded by him, Holi is celebrated to a different rhythm, different essence. They call it “Basanta Utsab” or celebrating spring.

Students dressed in yellow, come together through music and dances and welcome the awesomeness of spring with zeal. Grace and art conglomerate to such a candid effervescence that the onlooker too, is painted in the colours of the season.

Holi has different avatars in different regions, whether it’s the delectable madness of Mathura or the grace of Vishwabharati, one aspect is always the inseparable part of the festivities, and that is embracing life’s vivid colours in the absolute literal sense. And hence my nation is unique, where we celebrate a day painting each other in/with love.

Let the madness reappear

My earliest memories of Holi are truly magnificent, they belong to the era, when I and my family lived in the little Sail Township in West Bengal. I call it a hamlet for breeding rich souls. An astonishing association of culture, education and immense respect for each other. As kids, Holi was the best festival to do absolutely whatever the heart seeks. Neither mom was going to scold for the prestigious untidiness acquired, nor papa for skipping studies. We all would patiently wait for each other to make the first move and once movement was spotted outside in the garden area, there was no stopping at all.

“Hare re re re re, amae chere dere dere…jemon chara boner pakhi moner anonde re……”

This famous Rabindra Sangeet means, leave me to fly like birds in the wood sans inhibition and overflowing with gaiety. An apt expression to portray what we kids felt, as we darted towards each other giggling, jumping, with colour and “pichkari” in our little hands. A complete feeling of free spiritedness. Neither did we bother about the smoothness of skin nor the lustre of hair, the only botheration was glowing feeling of happiness in our eyes. We took to lot of mischief too, sometimes throwing balloons filled with coloured water at an unknown passerby, or at times pouncing on a friend, caught in slight inattentiveness. We ran from one house to another, and filled our stomachs with tasty, homemade sweets which the aunties had to offer. At the end of the day, we were left tired, satisfied and surging with possibilities.

Today, the mirth has faded to a huge extent. Given to our hectic lives, a mid week holiday is an added rest to our demented souls. Sometimes when I sit by the window of my sixteenth floor apartment in Mumbai those lost memories come back to me, like a breath of fresh air with the looming fragrance of Holi colours. Hoping for the day when that madness will reappear and the festival regain its lost colour for me.....

“I’m pledging to #KhulKeKheloHoli this year by sharing my Holi memories atBlogAdda in association with Parachute Advansed.”

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Land Of Royals

It was fulfilling to read my own words....

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta


The sky is a different blue these days
They say that spring has come
Flowers have blossomed to a dreamy demeanor
Whether it’s Blue Bell, Lilium or Cherry Blossom!

With Grapefruit, Kiwi and Blue Berries to devour
Life is filled with mirth
And the festival of colors is the cherished add on
When Jubilation suffers no dearth!

India is the hamlet for exuberance and celebrations
Bringing spring to Life
Colors, sweets and forgetfulness to hatred
It is celebrating life, a party, a jive!

Painted faces and brightened hearts
A day of embracing the beauty of life
There is no friend, there is no foe
What is precious is just a warm smile…

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta
Wishes Happy Holi!!!!!!

Note: pics courtesy goggle images

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Unreturned Love

How the candles burnt out I could never know,
How the roses perished I could never know,
I only could know when my heart craved for you,
And I could feel on my cheeks the holy drops flow!

I sat on the bench just behind yours,
But my freckled skin and spectacled eyes,
Never interested your fantasies to spare a glance,
My existence to you, could never suffice!

During lunch I invisibly sat somewhere near you,
You never knew,
You never cared,
I wasn’t a part of the brigade you belonged to!

I cried at night till my lungs gave away,
The pillow left wet and damp,
But sleep got me to you in my dreams,
Where your love played the vamp!

But that spring was a different one,
The wicked truck hit your bike,
And you will never know, the blood that flows in you is mine,
Whether you like or do not like!

Your love took a back seat,
Your friends looked away,
But how could I close my eyes to your despair,
I loved you to the core of my heart, whether you give me light or take it away!

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta