Sunday 27 March 2016

The Million dollar crimson

Waves moved upto the shore
The water silvery
Boulders taking each blow with a smile
Cheers to their bravery

Birds were flying to their nests of love
The sky a regal crimson
Scattered clouds had a dash of colour
The mellowed sun, a dot of delectable vermilion

The breeze, suave and silky
Vanishing in my hair
And Air with the tangy taste of salt in it
Had about it, a royal flair

I sat by the Arabian Sea
Beholding nature's game of love
The queenly sun rays kissed the waves
Slyly the waters looked above

Tick Tick Tick the minutes passed
The sky like a Paula donna changed her gown
From hues of yellow, to crimson to red
It was then time, to put down the crown

And then at the countdown of ten to one
She had disappeared to vast unknown
But with a promise of a bright tomorrow
With more of smiles and less of groans

Nature has endless immenseness to offer
It is on us and our perception
Whether it makes us gloomy or gifts hope of perseverance
My million dollar crimson

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

pic taken by me

pic taken by hubby Avishek Sengupta