Monday, 7 December 2015

The good Dinosaur - A movie review

The innocence in the eyes of a smiling infant, is something that always melts our heart. Because, though our adult hearts are poisoned with many a conjectures yet we all have a child hidden in us. And that child craves for a vent of innocence. And that same child, hidden in our core sometimes wants to enjoy the way children do. Uninhibited laughter, eyes full of tangible astonishment.

This weekend, we wanted to catch a movie. But unfortunately were not able to decide on which to choose. I surprised myself when I agreed to watch "The Good Dinosaur". No, it is not that I don't like animation, but it's just that I was more in the mood of watching the hard hitting social cause they say, that man proposes and God disposes and so be it..

It was a Sunday morning show in a multiplex near our house and given to the laidbackness that weighs heavy on weekends, we could just make it before the movie started to roll!! My hubby Avishek keeps mocking, saying, that I have only grown physically, mentally I resemble an infant. Well, well!! The feeling is absolutely mutual. So we two grown up infants, were seated with huge caramel popcorn baskets and coke (zero, huh!) in our hands, watching "The Good Dinosaur".

If I am asked to rate the movie, I will rate it 4.5/5 without any apparent reason to cut that 0.5, besides the thought that nothing is perfect. Yes it is a fairy tale, set in an era when dinosaurs were not extinct and is a story of a quintessential family like your or mine. Just that it is not human family, though the good dinos are much more humane. It is exemplary for good parenting, wherein a father and a mother impart and cultivate virtues in their three kids, who are essentially different from each other.
The protagonist of the story is Arlo, the youngest of the three kids. A weak, timid and coward kind of a kid, in contradiction to the other two siblings. The story is his learning life from hardships, when he is separated from his family. In his eventful and scary journey he meets a kid, Spot, and they together overcome the hurdles and emerge friends, without any lingual connect.

The movie is a visual treat, with great 3D effect and detailed animation of even the depicted emotions. And I would say it is must watch for kids in the age of imbibing the goods of their surroundings. However it is a treat for adults too, who will get a rare opportunity of treating themselves with childlike emotions and reliving their past age of living fairy tales.

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta

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