Thursday 29 January 2015

Know your worth....

“I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

It’s true when they say that “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. There is no definition of beauty, no boundaries and no rules. It is something that emerges from the core and finds it way, to illuminate the exterior. It’s sometimes sublime, sometimes adorable, sometimes exotic and sometimes violent. But it attracts. It’s enigmatic and even magnetic. But it’s attainable and may be even palpable. The deep sea life is beautiful, the blue horizon is beautiful. The child is beautiful in mother’s lap. The setting sun is as beautiful as the sunrise leading to a bright new day. You are beautiful. I am beautiful, what we create and what we destroy is beautiful.

The concept of beauty has always appeared vague to me. And so it is. I am one firm believer of internal beatification, rather than the exterior. Growing to be a good human finds precedence over looking good. But that necessarily does not stop me from enhancing the tangibility of beauty. And one thing I completely endorse (without any endorsement fee off-course-wink) is that, confidence is enhanced when we know that we are presentable. Confidence of facing the world, the world whose most residents will be judgmental enough to judge us from our external self.

Ishani was just stepping into teenage. She was growing up in the school of thought, that beauty is not external, it’s the resonance of a pure heart that translates to a glorious face. But with every passing day, she was growing increasingly unsure of what was right and what not. Her classmate Riddhima was one of the wickedest human she knew, but the entire class and even the teachers pampered her. They thought she was extraordinarily beautiful. Whenever a chief guest would come for ribbon cutting, Riddhima was put in the fore front. They said she was the face of their school. Ishani could not understand why and how she was inferior to her. But she gradually started getting into the invisible shell she had constructed around her.

Mehr and Siya had joined office on the same day. They were more of friends than colleagues.  But eventually a feeling of jealousy started bugging Mehr.  Siya was beautiful, and her beauty gave her confidence she thought. She appeared to be confident during presentations and meetings. Already management recognition had dawned on her. Mehr feared if that continued, she would be left behind. But genetic good looks are not attainable by beauty products. She started losing hope, she stopped loving herself and eventually got trapped in the dungeon of jealousy and inferiority complex.
The above two stories are completely hypothetical but the situations may be very real. I do not mean to promote discrimination based on looks. But it’s an honest attempt to put across the pain that we often put ourselves through just on the grounds of the looks we possess. This most prominently happen during adolescence. I just want to say know your true worth. Which is much above the meagre facts of looks and complexion.  You first need to love yourself to make others and the world love you. Beam with internal confidence.

When I came across the topic posted by Garnier in Indivine, I thought it was a great forum for me to pen down my feelings on beauty. As already stated beauty is internal and that is what I believe. Yet can we deny that when we see a peacock we stare spellbound, but a crow or a pigeon fail to attract our attention? The green carpet looks unimportant when glorious red roses wave with the breeze. Yes beauty is relevant to the on-looker’s perception, but there are certain descriptions, certain unsaid rules that we cannot deny. And hence external beauty does have an impact on our day to day life and sometimes takes a toll on our confidence.

We all want to look good, it increases our confidence. Pimples, Acne, freckles etc. are very common skin problems that we face. Genetics is a difficult subject to lay hands upon, so it’s better to learn loving oneself, but at the same time its fine trying to enhance what we are gifted with.

A healthy looking blemish less skin is all we drool about. In-fact I am very particular about the health of my skin. The appearance of an unwanted visitor, called pimple leaves me worried. Each stare seems to concentrate on it. My confidence goes down, which is very bad to cope up with in office. After-all we cannot hide under the quilt. So combating skin problems, especially pimples is important to keep me going strong. I have used many Garnier products to maintain the health of my skin and Garnier Pure active Neem Face wash is one of them. I must say it truly rejuvenates and neem’s antiseptic properties helps healing pimples faster, making you look fresher and fresher with each wash.

You can check the following Garnier link for many solutions to different skin problems and more:no pimples no marks

You can check the following  link to know more about Garnier Pure active Neem Face wash: Garnier neem face wash

Finally what I want to convey is love yourself the way you are, but maintain your physical appearance, it gives you confidence to face the world. Build a strong interior, it will help feel complete. And as long as brands like Garnier continue to take the responsibility of enhancing our beauty, most part of the task is done. Beam with confidence, fly high and know your worth.

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta 

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