Thursday 12 February 2015

I love to LOVE you!

                                                         “Love can touch us one time
And Last for a life time”
They say love is eternal. They say love is spiritual. But I think love is just love. It is beyond description and comparison. Some think it is not palpable, but I believe otherwise. When my mother runs her fingers lovingly through my hair, I feel love not just within but also on my skin. Love is unity and it is also infinity. It is delicate, it is fragile but it's strength binds us together. Love is God, the unseen force that drives the world. It is the creator and it is the destroyer. We all are made out of love. I cannot feel, write, make or spread love enough, as it is omnipresent in the millions of nanoparticles existing around us.

I believe love is just a part of our day to day living. We eat, we drink, we sleep and we love. Yes! It is that natural. But yet this most natural feeling can make our lives most special. It gives a meaning to breathe; it gives a motive to work. Then what is wrong if we dedicate one day of our year to celebrate this reverence? Yes! I am talking about Valentine’s Day! I do not know what others have to think or say, but I love this celebration of love. Some say and even I endorse it, that it is a commercialisation gimmick. True it is! But are the big fat Indian weddings not so? And there are other examples too. Anyways, my narrative is neither a debate nor a friction between sets of different thinkers on this topic. It is purely and solely a piece of love. It is strange but true, the air becomes rosier, the faces become happier, the smile widens, wives wait a little more eagerly for their husbands to return from office and this is what makes me fall in love with V-day.

Based on the love story of Saint Valentine and his sweetheart Asterius of Rome, this day has different meanings to different people. Some criticise it and dump it as a mere tool of selling merchandise playing with human emotions, to some it is completely non existent. But to me it is special, not that I buy gift, not that I have lavish parties, it’s just that I specially take out some little more from my busy schedule for the person I love. And may be when the world debates on the good and bad impacts of it, I sit in my favourite place in my little house on the sixteenth floor. I watch the city lights hand in hand with my valentine, and allow the moon light to illuminate my household with its divine illumination. With glasses of wine in our hands we say “Cheers to our love”.

Life today is hectic, it is a mad race. Sometimes this quest to top, takes away some beautiful moments of our romantic space. What is wrong if a celebration gives you an opportunity to create some magic? Don’t invest money, but invest emotions and let every day of your life be a Valentine’s Day. Cook something special for your mom, give your dad a tight hug or put on your hubby’s favourite attire, it won’t contribute to commercialisation. These days don’t change any thing, but it gives a reason to smile. Be judicious but not judgemental.

This one is for you Avishek:

“What you mean to me, I do not know words to define
Nor do I feel the necessity to
We express our love day in and day out
Through whatever we say or do

What you mean to me, I do not know words to define
A friend, a confidant and a father at times
Your care, your love makes me what I am
The purity and depth, through you it shines

What you mean to me, I do not know words to define
But really do I need to tell?
Are my actions not louder than the words I may use?
Because through my veins it propels”

You and I in Beautiful Ladakh

Aritra Chakrabarty Sengupta
Please give ur will be interesting to know :-)

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